Be the Right Parent

with the Right Tools

in the Right Order

at the Right Time

for Your Child from Difficult Beginnings of Adoption, Abuse and Other Painful Childhood Experiences

because Loving Families don't just happen... They are Created!  One Family at a time!
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 Parenting children from difficult beginnings:




is often NOT what many hopeful parents expected. 

Traumatic experiences can rewire children differently and typical parenting efforts often don't work on these wonderfully special kids!  

Fortunately, there IS a parenting method that DOES WORK:  Love+ Parenting!

Is parenting your child who experienced adoption, abuse, or early childhood trauma harder than you imagined?

Then You Need the Right Tools


Are you spending hours reading parenting books, taking courses, seeking therapy, and following recommendations that just Don't Work for YOUR Child?

Then You Need them in the Right Order


Do you feel trapped? As if there is no way out of the chaos and drama in your family life?

Then You Need them at the Right Time

Love+ Parenting takes you where no other program goes: right to the expertise of the matter.

You will have magic words to get your children to do what you need them to do and plenty of fall back strategies for the refusal days.

You will develop more patience, less distress, and finally be the fun parent.  It's all in the order you approach your parenting life.

You will lead your family the way you always thought you would before bringing traumatized children home. When your timing is right, your children get you and follow.

And, what if I said you can do all of this without yelling, severe punishments, even more therapy, or constant fear of Child Protective Services knocking on your door?


Love+ Parenting gives you the keys and puts you in the driver's seat.

Take your family in the direction you want to go when you have the right tools, in the right order, at the right time.

Love+ Parenting in the Love Matters Parenting Society Program is:

  • Time Tested.
  • Parent Proven.
  • Trauma and Adoption Informed.
  • State-of-the-Art Comprehensive Therapeutic Parenting Model.
  • Expert Guided.
  • Community Supported.
  • Family Transformation Program.

You will never be alone with your troubles again.

Love+ Parenting taps into...

Your innate healing wisdom

Tested therapeutic parenting principles, strategies, and tools

Deep learning to unfold personal parenting expertise

Your ability to "show up" in a grounded, loving, steady way

  1. Detailed Step-by-Step Parent Training That Guides You Through the Process of Learning the 10 Essential Tools Needed to Stop the Chaos!
  2. Short Videos AND Podcasts with Fill-in-the-Blank Resource Workbook for Easy Learning
  3. Use all the Tools, Learn all the Neuroscience, Develop Brain-based Timing to Stop Meltdowns Before They Start
  4. And there are even Bonus Materials for Your Use with Your Children.

Inside Love Matters Parenting Society, I Walk you step-by-step through your entire transformation process

  • Easy-to-follow videos and exercises the busiest parent can follow and practice.
  • How to manage external resources--teachers, IEPs, OTs, psychiatrists, therapists!
  • Plus! Get access to attachment and trauma treatment expertise 
  • AND your peer group of parents for support and advice any time. 

Someone is always available to help. I am in the program responding nearly every day.

...because you deserve peace in your family life.

Do you long to...

Gain control of your children and your free time again?

Create a more organized and less chaotic home? 

Maintain power and influence in your family? 

Experience less stress and more peace?

What if I told you that Becoming a therapeutic expert in your own family
is the best way to truly Love Your Life.

With a program that includes:

  • 25 years of experience from an Adoptive Mother
  • 20 years of expertise from an Attachment and Trauma Specialist
  • a Comprehensive, Virtual program 
  • Real expertise and guidance
  • Proven ingredients, strategies and tools
  • Solid Community
  • Methods Tested and APPROVED by parents from around the world!

Do you want a program like that? 

You Are NOT Alone!

✅ Hop on the Priority List Here

Honestly, It Only Gets Worse

If You Do Nothing Differently

Your kids just get older and bigger with Additional Trauma Symptoms:

Disregarding what you say...

Breaking your rules...

Affectionate to others, but rarely surrendering to you...

Controlling as much as possible, including friends, siblings, and you...

Hoarding all kinds of things, and losing their minds when you try to sort it all out...

Transition meltdowns at every turn...

Shutting down...

Lying, Stealing, Manipulating...

Fighting, Arguing, Refusing...

Breaking things, Running away, Threatening Violence or Self Harm...

As frightening as those symptoms are, you can be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem.
✅ Save Your Spot on the Priority List Here

"I couldn't do life without this program." 

Kristy B, Adoptive Mom of 4

Have you been struggling to accept your Adopted or Post-Trauma Child?

Are you so frustrated that you just want to give up?

Have you found yourself Wondering IF you made a MISTAKE by adding to your family?

Know you are NOT alone. 


And not from someone who doesn't get it. 

This program is for parents who are serious about making a change in their lives with children from difficult beginnings.

Meet Ce Eshelman, LMFT

Owner of The Attach Place Center for Strengthening Relationships, LLC, the Love Matters Parenting Society, and Author of the best selling book: Drowning With My Hair On Fire: Insanity Relief For Adoptive Parents.

This happened just last week and I want to share it with you.

I bumped into a parent I worked with nearly 10 years earlier who came to my office for help. Back then, I encouraged her to focus on becoming the parent her child needed her to be, a parent who understood how trauma was impacting her child and her parenting. She wasn't able, at the time, to take her focus off of changing her child's behavior--so we amicably parted ways.  I asked her how things were going now, given her son is 14.  Sadly, she said, "He has been in therapy for the last 10 years straight and he still can't make friends, take turns, or be kind to others. I'm just as frazzled as ever." My stomach hit the floor.  There isn't anything more heartbreaking for me than talking to a parent I was trying desperately to give the keys for a better life to and finding out that what I predicted for them 10 years earlier happened.  I'm not boasting here, nor am I clairvoyant.  I've just been working with parents of children who experienced trauma for a long time now. 

While every family is unique, there are some characteristics, dynamics, and repetitive trauma patterns that are eerily similar, predictive even.  And, my dear friends, there is a way to change that, but it requires new thought processes and determination to manifest the life you want, plus the right tools, in the right order, at the right time in a proven program supported by expertise and wisdom.

🙌 More about Ce 🙌

Loving Families don't just happen....

They are created!
One family at a time!

with the Right Tools in the Right Order at the Right Time.

"I am so grateful I found my people in the Love Matters Parenting Program. I have felt so alone and crazy trying to do this with just me and my husband."

Mother of 2 traumatized boys

The Right Tools:

You need effective, long term guidance to teach you how to use therapeutic parenting tools effectively. This program is definitely not a series of YouTube Shorts or snappy Reels.

You see, you can lift your family out of the sticky trauma muck of negative feedback loops. You will get state-of-the-art tools, not just pop psychology quotes in other programs.


The Right Order:

You need a proven-successful program that sees your whole family, not just the child who has trauma, because you all have some trauma now, right?

This program sees the whole family and was built on analysis of hundreds of observations and successful interventions with other parents of children from difficult beginnings. 

What part of your family needs aid first?  What part of the person needs aid first?  The order of interventions determines successful outcomes.

You need a simple process that builds your confidence as the expert leader in your family.  
Because you are busy and tired, you need an expert to walk you systematically through bite-sized learning opportunities in the way you learn best--video, audio, written, groups, or one-on-one.  


The Right Time:

You need experts with wisdom so you can call upon it at the time you need it, not just when you have an appointment scheduled. Some programs out- source their experts, who rarely make an appearance. You have daily access to expertise in this program right when you need it.

You need a comprehensive program for effective therapeutic parenting so you are not always searching for answers and constantly reinventing the wheel. You don't have time for that tail chasing, so everything in this program is available under one roof all the time.

Finally, you know as well as I do that you can be so painfully isolated and alone parenting kids with trauma, so you need a program that has a built in community right now to cheer you forward as you learn to be the parent your child needs you to be. Unlike some online communities that dish up negative insights, this program, 24/7 365, lifts you up while holding your truth, which may not be all that pretty. 

Love+ Success Stories

"Love Matters Parenting Society changed my family for the better. I am so very grateful for all that I have learned through the program and also the support I found in the community."


Sarah, Adoptive Mom of 2

"The support group helps us share daily challenges, that may be different, and incredibly out of the norm, and in this setting there is a certain resonance with other families...so you learn from what other people do, you feel accepted and you appreciate your own family dynamics more."


Cindy, Adoptive Mom of 1

"This program made all the difference in my life and my ability to be a therapeutic parent. If you feel like you can't do any more, if you are burdened by shame or the opinion of others LMPS can change your life because truly Love Matters."


Al, Adoptive Dad

This is what parents of traumatized kids ask
for most... 

Real "Lived" Experience

Ce Eshelman, attachment and trauma specialist, is an adoptive mom of 2 with decades of expertise.

Real Change

Love+ Parenting works to stem the tide of irritation, rejection, disrespect, and anger in your home.

Stop the Chaos

Parents want to break free of the seemingly never-ending parent/child trauma patterns and to end the chaos of negative feedback loops. This program teaches parents to recognized their own family patterns, understand the messages, and break free of them. 

Love Your Life

You deserve less stress and more peace. Love+ Parenting puts you on the path to loving your life.  CLICK HERE to listen how Karyn Speakman, adoptive mom of 4, is living her life since completing this program.
So beautiful.

✅ Save Your Spot on the Priority List Here

” This program is a life changing
experience! ”


Sarah, Adoptive Mom of 2

There Are Usually Unexplored Reasons For Not Taking Steps Toward Transformation...

Afraid to invest in yet another disappointing program that doesn't work? 

This program is time-tested and proven over and over again with parents of children who experienced early childhood physical and sexual abuses, attachment challenges from being carted around the foster care system, and children who have suffered neglect.


Given up on finding anything that works for your child?

Well, I haven't. I have yet to meet a child that I don't believe can heal from the effects of early childhood trauma. That means RAD kids, too. With the Right Tools for effective parenting, in the Right Order of brain-body engagement, and in the Right Time frame, children heal and parents recover. If adults can heal from trauma and go on to live productive lives, then so can your child. 


Are you traumatized by all the chaos and drama you see in your home: the arguing, fighting, and breaking glass? 

You've found the right place. We have all been where you are. This program is designed for you, to offer you solutions that WORK when guided by Ce, an attachment and trauma specialist, and other parents who have been where you are. The proof is in the hundreds of families loving the life they live.


Just too tired or blocked to feel like making a change?

Yup, We have all been there, too. Unfortunately, tired and blocked will not simply go away on their own. However, just 1% change can produce a result that will lift your exhaustion and restore you heart.  That's a promise.


Convinced you don't have the time?

The time is NOW for your children. The earlier the better.  That phrase you read above about your kids just getting older and bigger is FOR REAL.


Thinking it will cost too much?

You can't afford NOT to invest in this transformation NOW. What price is too high for a better life?

This program costs less than 2.5 Starbucks per week over a year.  Is that too much for family wellness? 

The average family in this situation spends $10,000 a year on therapy alone. And those costs will increase as your child's behaviors escalate. Then there will be higher levels of care, hospitalizations, or residential care. That is not an an empty threat; it is a reality of many parents who don't find the right path for their families. 

The earlier you make a change, the better the financial outcome for your family. You truly don't have the time NOT to invest in this program.

"I Don't Want to Say This Out Loud, But I Felt Hopeless Before Coming Here."


Marilyn - Step Mom of 2 Adopted Children and Bio Mom of 2 Neurodivergent Children
arrow pointing down icon with text word look.

From "Breaking holes in walls"...

Our kid who had the biggest, most destructive behavior, was able, with our help (our new way of parenting, learned from Ce), to eventually see his triggers and talk about them; he agreed to seek help with his anxiety, and he has gone from breaking holes in wall regularly, to a kid who might yell in anger, but who quickly apologizes and asks to talk about the situation!

- Adoptive Mom of 3

"From hopeless to strength"....

I went from hopeless and about to give up to having hope again, and strength to carry on.

- Adoptive Parent of 1

"Being with a group of parents ...is priceless"...

Being with a group of parents who are struggling with the same types of issues; who share their struggles and their wins, is priceless.

- Adoptive Parent of 1

"Helped those big behaviors"...

We are so much more relaxed in our approach to our kids!...our kids have parents who can actually help them feel seen and safe (which has helped those big behaviors!)

- Adoptive Parent of 1

"Overcome... suicide threats and attempts"...

This program “taught me the skills and practices I need to help my granddaughter learn to love herself. I have watched as she has overcome daily dysregulation, fighting, fits that led to suicide threats and attempts to being able to regulate more easily....

- Adoptive Parent of 1

Why does that matter?

It matters when you want to Love Your Life 
with Children from Difficult Beginnings 


✋ You are Invited to the Priority List

This program is for dedicated parents only.
Is that you?


Parents of children who have experienced early childhood trauma like abuse or being separated from their bonded caregivers.

Parents of children whose attachment process has been stagnated by too many changes in early caregiving.

Parents who are committed to taking the time and action to improve the quality of life for their children and their families.

Parents who are struggling to help their children feel safe in their homes by preventing the escalation of symptoms from complex trauma.

Parents who are committed to investing in the work to learn more about how trauma has affected their families and how to stop the patterns of trauma that are occurring, as a result.

Parents who are struggling to love their life.

One more therapy appointment, one more year of therapy, or ten more years of therapy will not make your family healthy and whole.

However, if you are committed to living a different life, building a life you love and loving the life you have, and you are ready to invest in yourself and your family, then this is for you.

Are you ready to transform yourself into the expert your child needs you to be to feel safe enough to heal into the family kid you need them to be?

Yes, change is eminent, not just possible when you invest in a comprehensive therapeutic parenting program that has the attachment and trauma expertise to make you into the expert in your own home.

So, you may not be invested enough for a transformation or you may not have enough desire to change things for the better. That's a choice.  This program is only for those who want more from life than trauma wack-a-mole.  You know what I mean?

This program is for you, only if you are dedicated to making real change to Love Your Life.
If you want what Kim below has--a life changing experience--then you want Love+ Parenting.

Wherever you find yourself on this parenting journey.

Love+ Parenting.

  • Will take you to the next level.
  • The expert level in your own home.

Why does that matter?

This is where your begin to love your life.. 


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24/7 - 365

Care For Your Mind/Body/Soul

Love Matters Parenting Society is about living your best life when it seems near impossible while caring for your traumatized child(ren). 

Thriving over Surviving.
The Power of Regulation.

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24/7 - 365

Expertise For The Behavior Transformation

Love+ Parenting Model in the Love Matters Parenting Society is about walking the talk of healing trauma patterns with state-of- the-art tools and coaching at your fingertips.

The Power of Expert Coaching.
To Become An Expert in Your Family.

✋ Yes, I Need Coaching

24/7 - 365

Community For Your Heart

Love Matters Parenting Society has a community of like-minded, like-hearted, and like-experienced parents who get you and your real life with children from difficult beginnings.

Empathy Over Sympathy.
The Power of Community.

✋ Yes, I Need Friends Who Get Me!

Frequently Asked Questions

” You and Your Family Deserve to Love Your Life”


Love Matters Parenting Society
Yes, My Family NEEDS This

Love Matters Parenting Blog

Parenting A Teen Is A Dance: Play Good Music

Apr 26, 2024

Oxytocin Bath

Apr 08, 2024

No Bad Seeds In Our Kids

Feb 22, 2024

Take Time For Training

Jan 19, 2024
