What Fires Together Wires Together

Dec 05, 2022

Dear Parent,

What fires together wires together.  If your child was maltreated in early childhood or suffered abandonment during crucial developmental timeframes, there are so many wired-in issues, only one of which is proprioceptive.  This is the sense that governs awareness about where one’s body is in relation to others in time and space.   

Occupational Therapy (OT) for children helps all the child's systems become more in sync and balanced.  A do it yourself approach is simple if OT is not in your budget-- movement, balance, dance, touch, spin, play, and some wide-ranging sensory experiences like hands in honey, hands in play dough, hands in rice, hands in sand, hands in ice, hands in shaving cream, and hands in oily spaghetti.  This will increase the wiring for attachment. Honest. 

Ready, set, twirl.

I wish I had played more physically with my children when they were little.  I was too busy keeping the house clean. Good thing the brain keeps on keeping on, so I was eventually able to enjoy it with my big ol' teenager. I learned to just give up on a clean house.

Proprioception is a sixth sense. Vestibular, a seventh.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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