Tone Is Not Just For Muscles

Jan 30, 2023

Dear Parent,

I am in awe of you parents who are interacting with your children with that even, loving tone (especially when your children are being less than cooperative.)

You get it. You get that your tone goes straight to the heart of your child, impressing him that he is a lovable and delightful person. 

That will heal his wounded heart and stick with him for the rest of his life. (Pssst...I know you don't keep your cool all the time, but most of the time is enough.)  The opposite tone will stick with your child a lifetime, too.  

We parents are quick to say watch your tone to a child who is being disrespectful. Who does that for you?

Today, I am, with a tone of understanding, empathy and love.

A kind tone is love in voice form.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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