Tiny Nips, Big Bites

May 18, 2021

Dear Parent,

Dysregulation is my enemy.  Constant nips can eat away my patience without my realizing it.  I can remember a specific morning, over an unclean bedroom, I pulled out an angry punishment and slapped it on my son. He looked like I had slapped him across the face or bit him with vicious teeth.  And that is the impact of angry punishment on children, especially children who have been harmed before and who now have special needs.  It hurt his heart and our relationship.  

When he was about to leave the house for school, he hugged me saying he was sorry.  I hugged him saying I was sorry. We had "I love you" exchanges like every morning. We repaired.

He still left the house without cleaning his room. Our relationship gash was all sewn up though, and that was all that mattered.

Repair with your child when you are the one taking the bites.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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