The Language Of Children

Nov 14, 2021

Dear Parent,

The language of children is silliness and play.  When you feel hopeless, be playful.  Let go of how things are supposed to be done and get them done with your hands on your head while spinning around.  

You think your kid's teeth must be brushed.  See if you can get it done while singing a song--definitely silly.  Get your kids to try it—even sillier.   It is okay for play to get out of control. Your kids will remember it for a long time. You can always regulate with them, when the fun is done. 

"My dad is so silly.  He sings while he brushes his teeth. I love brushing my teeth and singing loud with him."  Sure enough, I have heard that said.

How many ways can you speak the language of a child?

Love matters,



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