The Brain's The Thing

Oct 27, 2020

Dear Parent,

Our kids need daily life coaching, because their observation, intuition, knowledge transfer, and executive function skills are underdeveloped due to maltreatment and attachment challenges in the early years.  

They need to be coached to know the difference between yelling and whispering, and which is used when and where.

They need to be coached to know how to ask a question when someone else is talking, and which questions are important and which aren't. 

They need to be coached to know how to clean the dishes correctly, including how to hold the sponge, which muscles to engage, how much soap, the temperature of the water, scrub inside and outside the glass, rinse inside and outside the glass, how to put the glass in the drainer, how to dry the glass, how to put it away without breaking it, hiding it, or messing up the cabinet's organization. 

It is amazing how intricate learning to live is when a child doesn't have well integrated left and right brain neurobiology from good enough parenting in the early years. 

Our kids need kind, gentle, and repetitive coaching.  That's the hard part for us parents.

Kind, gentle coaching takes compassion, regulation, and respite.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.


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