Stress Relief

Jul 10, 2023

Dear Parent,

I certainly understand the feelings of being frustrated and worn out.  I have felt that way many times while raising my children.  Most of us have, right?

Everyday things like social difficulties, tantrums, chores, and lying shouldn’t become life or death issues. Our kids' brains get flooded with cortisol, which bathes their pre-frontal cortex.  They lose judgment about cause and effect and opt for staying in bed, playing video games, checking out, not caring, giving up, tantrumming, and lying.   

Your level of stress impacts your child's brain process and vice versa.  Brains are intersubjective.  They communicate back and forth without our cognition.  So, your child's stress and your stress are feeding each other. Under stress the rigid get more rigid. Flexibility is only available to the truly relaxed or to those with go with the flow personalities. Our kids do not usually have those qualities, so rigidity it is.

In favor of relationship and mental health, put these everyday annoying things on the back burner.

Breathing helps. Hugs matters.

Love matters,


P.S. Are you pulling your hair out trying to figure out the best way to parent your child from difficult beginnings? Get some real support here: The Love Matters Parenting Society. Honestly, you probably need this.

P.S.S. You can also grab a copy of Drowning With My Hair On Fire: Insanity Relief for Adoptive Parents by yours truly. Parents really appreciate this bite-sized, inspiration.

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