Speaking Of Parenting

Oct 18, 2020

Dear Parent,

Having authority is leadership.  Being authoritarian is dictatorship.

You must establish authority in your home for your child to feel safe. If you make the mistake of being authoritarian your child will feel fear.

Authority is established through relationship.  Relationships with children are strengthened by playful, loving, accepting, curious, engaging, and predictable interactions.

Nowhere in that list is angry, overpowering, demanding, commanding, dismissing, disengaged or threatening interactions.

Anger is usually unresolved hurt, disappointment, and grief.  If you need it, and my bias is that everyone does, get help to be a safe leader in your child's family life.

You are the leader of your child’s mission through childhood.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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