Smile Medicine

Mar 13, 2022

Dear Parent,

Did you know that you can smile with your voice, your eyes, your words, your body?

Smile at your child every chance you get.  Give him a nice to see you smile with your open-armed good morning hug.  Greet him with a smiling I hope you had a good day today at school sweetheart.   Use a smiling, sweet voice when you call him to dinner. Look with smiling eyes into hers when you are chatting about tomorrow's activities. Look up with curiosity when she comes to you with the millionth question.

No one wants to look into frowning, droopy, angry, worried or flat faces.  Give the gift of your smile in the sound of your voice, the lightness of your words, and the shine in your eyes.  

Mirror neurons in your child's brain can get you a reciprocal loving voice, curious face, and smiling tone right back.  

It feels good to smile.  Since it feels good, do it.

It works with strangers, too.  Smile at cashiers, bus drivers, waiters. Mirror neurons will usually get you a smile right back.  It feels good. 

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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