Sharing Power Doesn't Deplete Parent Power

Oct 19, 2020

Dear Parent,

Let your kids be right as often as you can.  Let them have power over choices, and control over time frames.  That is sharing power.

Our kids are hungry to feel solid inside, so they crave being right, being in charge, and power over their own lives.

There is nothing wrong with everyone being smart, trusted and strong.  As long as they are learning to trust you as the leader of the family, making opportunities for building confidence and competence in the world makes sense.

I have to wrestle with my own desire to be right, have control, and feel powerful to share power with my children.  It gets easier with practice.  That is what I know. Everything gets easier with practice.

Power is like love. There are plenty opportunities to share.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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