Reds And Greens And Blues All Over

Dec 07, 2020

Dear Parent,

Our kids are not the only ones that get blue felt memories around the holidays. It might be happening to you, too.  Speaking truthfully, my family didn't have a Christmas without incident until both of my kids were over 13 years old.   I distinctly remember the year, the day after Christmas, my children danced around with glee shouting, "Mom! Mom!  We had a good Christmas this year. Yeah, the first one! Hurray! Hurray!"  

How sad is that?

The funny part is that it was generally their meltdowns throughout the years that made Christmas Day unhappy.  But that part was lost on them. 

So, if you are experiencing red and green and blues all around you, I have some words of hope and light as we near the longest night of the year.  Keep the faith.  Life with children from difficult beginnings really does get better when everyone learns how to be part of a loving family. That means you learn to be a therapeutic parent and the kids learn to be loving, as a result.

Hold steady. There will be a payoff down the road.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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