Re-Do Is For Everyone

Oct 17, 2020

Dear Parent,

Re-do is one of the first levels of correction we can use with our children if--and it is a big IF-- we can be playful, sweet, and respectful.  Remember, corrections are intended to help our children learn to be family kids, rather than punishments for not knowing how to do it despite our repeated attempts to teach them.  

Here are some examples for the playfully challenged, which I am known to be sometimes.  How about you?

Your child demands a snack.  

Hey sweetie pie, ask again kindly please?

Your child barges into the room banging the walls with a band instrument, knocking down a picture frame, and creating an unnecessary ruckus.

Holy Mole Guacamole, hold up, take a second handsome and try that entry again. Yes, I mean it.  I know you can do it like a kid instead of Godzilla.

Your child is snarky when you tell him to take out the trash.

Uh-oh, I said that without thinking. Sorry honey. What I meant to say was, in the next few minutes please take the trash out, so I can get going on dinner.

Your child gives you attitude.

Whoa, we are working on this kindness thing, right?  Will you show me some love in your voice and say it again please?

No! I won't!

Something must be wrong. Can I help you with something?


Okay, we can talk again later when we can do it with kindness. I'll be right here.

Remember, corrections are not punishments. "Try it again with kindness" applies to us parents, too.  Punishment does not teach our children anything, except that we are bigger and can be meaner.  When they get bigger, imagine what they will do with that learning.

Give what you want to get.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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