Our Kids Have Their Own Trajectories

Nov 15, 2020

Dear Parent,

I cannot shut my eyes to the reality that some of you are experiencing things that other people only hear about on the news. When a train jumps the rails, chaos ensues.  Sometimes our kids jump the safety rails we have set out for them. They drop out of school, go homeless, have babies too early, get into bad relationships, are mean in relationships, abuse drugs and alcohol, steal your car and wallet, go to jail, and bet their lives on the benevolence of the public social service system. 

If this is happening in your life, do every thing you can to let yourself off the hook.  You did the best you could. I absolutely know you did.

You loved. You helped. You worked. You tried. You sacrificed. You faced your imperfections. You learned new ways. You fought. You apologized. You played. You prayed. You looked for help. You looked for more help, other help, better help. You gave and forgave. You trusted. You sacrificed. You read. You trained. You cried. You held on. You let go. You hoped. You stepped up and then you stepped back. You carried on.  You suffered. You went without. You lost sleep. You lost health. You lost or gained weight. You stressed out. You loved some more. You did it all.  You did it all twice, then three times, and four.  

You did the best you could. Our kids have their own trajectories.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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