Neuroplasticity Is Yummy

Feb 15, 2021

Dear Parent,

All this talk about high risk, firing-wiring neurochemistry may have you running scared for the hills.  The good news is that the brain is malleable—known to scientists as neuroplasticity. You are the major answer to the problem of your child’s neurochemistry. 

A safety-rich, sensory-rich, touch-rich, nutrient-rich, engagement-rich, love-rich environment can bring into balance serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline.  Those are the three incredibly important neurotransmitters that negatively affect a child's brain because of illness, maltreatment and attachment breaches in the early years.  Research is on our side for correcting some of these imbalances.

There is a lot of evidence in the science world.  Cling to it.

Hope is an elixir that soothes the weary.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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