Meeting The Birth Parents

Apr 10, 2022

Dear Parent,

I can distinctly remember the time when my newly adult daughter asked me to find her birth parents, so I did.  One was still in town, the other in the South. She didn't wait two minutes to get into contact, and quickly after, they were BFFs—slang for best friends forever.  I am glad she was able to fill in some of her early narrative.  I know that plagued her. 

My son was slow to warm to the idea of knowing them. He said he had a good life and didn't want to mess it up. I assured him he was going to get to keep his good life, no matter. He eventually came around. Ultimately, however, he said he didn't care much for either of them and hasn't stayed in touch.

Me, Mommy Dearest, was cautious.  I worried my sweet babies might be hurt again, but they were grown and I had to allow the Universe to take them across the path that was meant for them both.  My daughter did end up getting hurt again by her bio-father who pulled her in at first, then said very mean things to her while asking her for money. She was never able to maintain much contact with her bio-mother.

I had to let go with love.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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