Magic Question

Nov 03, 2020

Dear Parent,

Sharing power is one of the best ways to get your challenging child to be a bit less, well, challenging. When your child resists shifting from one thing to another, try this magic question:

Okay Sweetie Pie, time to go to bed.  

“Noooooooo!!! I'm not done!”

How much more time do you need? This is the magic question.

“Ten minutes.”

Let's compromise--five more minutes. 

“Awww, okay.”

Two minutes later, he is done and down the hall to the bedroom.

I know you don't believe me, so start small and build up to bedtime.

Crazy as it seems, I raised some seriously reasonable kids.  I worried that would never happen.  I often had pathetically low faith, coupled with monumental fear. Good thing I kept putting one foot in front of the other.  Just like you.

Keep the faith. Keep walking forward.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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