It's A New Year

Jan 01, 2021

Dear Parent,


It’s a new year. Happy New Year! What an interesting cultural phenomenon to imagine that I could truly start new, wipe my parent/child slate clean and construct it all over again.  If I could, what would I create? 

I would forgive myself more and blame my children less for my stress.

I would surrender and surrender and surrender all outcomes to the Universe.

I would ask more often for help, and swim in the delusion less that I am doing it all alone.

I would cry loud and long when I felt like it, because parenting is hard and not for sissies.

I would remember that life is actually, ultimately fatal, so l would do my darnedest to live life fully and abundantly every minute.

I would play a lot because that feels good.

I would continue to be grateful as often as possible and for the smallest of things.

I would take my medication, as it really helps me.

I would continue to believe that love matters, even if sometimes it seems like it doesn’t.

And, I would definitely continue daily napping, for that is delicious like chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.


How about you? Make a list of your own:






Got more?

Create your best New Year yet. I dare you.


Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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