In A Minute

Oct 04, 2020

Dear Parent,

For years, I put my children to bed with a tiny inside joke, "Get to sleep now because we have to get up in a minute."  When they became old enough to understand the true meaning of the word play, we had brief smiles between us at bedtime.  When bedtime was not going so well, I would wait for a small window to make the joke and often it would turn the tide on a hellish evening.

Those were hundreds of moments of intimate connection in a life scattered with big disconnects.

I remember a time I stayed up all night talking WITH my son.  It was delicious and at the time, I had waited sixteen years for it--that is not hyperbole.  Around 5am, I found my window, "Get to sleep now, we have to get up in a minute." He laughed hard, genuinely knowing the multiple layers of what that meant--we share history, we are family, we are glued together by love, and, literally, we had to get up in a minute.

Love and family matter. Share jokes and stories at every turn. That’s what family does.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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