How Do You See?

Oct 13, 2020

Dear Parent,

Beware the lens through which you see your child's behavior. For example, if you see your child's chronic lying as immoral, manipulative, hateful, offensive, soulless or criminal, then you might react personally with anger, hopelessness, harshness, punishment, or cruelty.  If you see your child's chronic lying as the outcome of a hardwired brain reaction to fear of being in trouble, caught, exposed, rejected, seen as bad, or unlovable, then you are more likely to respond with empathy, understanding, careful correction, and comforting.

There is a huge difference between the first and second response.  One will ultimately create felt safety in your parent/child relationship, while the other will contribute to maintaining the cycle of fear and more lying.

What lens are you looking through?

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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