Fun, Fun, Fun, Play, Play, Play

May 22, 2022

Dear Parent,

Something easy you can do with kids who need a neurochemical boost--sensory play.  On Saturday, try a little experiment:  Every two hours initiate a sensory game.  

What is a sensory game?

  • Buckets filled with uncooked rice or beans with fidgets (little toys) mixed in. Together, stick your hands in and guess what you are finding.  With younger kids, stick hands in and pull up fidgets.  Let them put their feet in if they want.  Be ready for rice all over the floor.  I promise it vacuums right up.
  • Mini-trampoline.  Count bounces.  Try it out yourself
  • Go outside and spin around together.  Key word--together.
  • Shaving cream art on tub tile wall.  Relax, this is messy fun.
  • Bike riding.
  • Chew two big pieces of bubble gum.  Blow bubbles.
  • Summersaults in the living room.
  • Throw back and forth a basketball, football, tennis ball, beach ball, Ping-Pong ball, foam ball, stuffed ball, cotton ball.
  • Blow soap bubbles outside.
  • Balance beam walking.  Put a board across two bricks and balance across.
  • Play Dough play.
  • Make faces in a mirror together.
  • Create homemade pizza together.
  • Blow bubbles through a straw in a bathtub filled with water.
  • Sandbox play. If you have a cat or dog, cover it up when you are done.

Have fun!

Fun, fun, fun. Be sure to eat healthy snacks every two hours, too.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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