Fathers Have A Balancing Act

Jun 20, 2021

Dear Parent,

It’s Father’s Day. I feel sure many of you are dog tired and I hope many of you feel truly celebrated.

Fathers of attachment challenged children often find themselves in a painful position between honoring the perceptions of their spouse while maintaining their own perceptions of how their children engage and behave. No one wishes to be in this spot and BAM! There you are.

So, Dad, be sure you are taking very good care of yourself and that you are maintaining a one to one relationship with your child and your spouse. Your relationship is unique to each child and may be significantly different than each child’s relationship with his/her mother. That’s the way it is and it is okay to feel the way that you do.

Enjoy the times when you feel close to your child(ren), even if your spouse is not able to experience the same level of closeness. You and your child(ren) need that intimacy, just as you and your spouse need intimacy separate from the children.

Thank you for all that you do to maintain a delicate balance in your family.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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