When All Else Fails, Don't Blame The Kids

Apr 04, 2022

Dear Parent,

I am forever amazed at my ability to forget my mission as a parent--to create a safe home, be a safe parent, and reflect love in who I am and what I do.  Isn't that the mission of all parents for every child?  

Occasionally, my internal voice says I got off my path today because of my child's attachment challenge, or because he is so difficult to parent, even via phone, but that is an excuse for my not being disciplined, not taking good enough care of myself, and not keeping my own life mission in the foreground. 

It's hard to be a grown up, taking responsibility and resisting the urge to blame others for my own shortcomings.

Looking in the mirror is painful. It is not necessary to find fault for how things are going. It is necessary to take responsibility for getting back on track.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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