Dogs, Cats, Kids Are People Too

Sep 10, 2020

Dear Parent,

Against the odds, your child found you.  Who else in the world would be able to manage the piss and vinegar of outrageous attachment challenges?  No one. You were made for this.  

I know. I sure doesn't seem like it.  It seems like there is some kind of curse upon your head, but rest assured you have been chosen to love against the odds.

Personally, I have a house full of animals.  They came to me complete with breathing obstructions, brain damage, biting all the time, varying degrees of intelligence, emotional disturbance, anxiety, insecurity, potty accidents, running away, cowering, bullying, aggressiveness, hyperactivity, obsessive chewing, food hoarding, learning and other behavioral problems.  It can be a bit of a zoo around here.

I hardly ever lose my temper.  I understand them.  I empathize with them. They came from difficult beginnings.  People treated them badly. They are easily dysregulated.  They make a lot of mistakes.  They get very overwhelmed and do weird, inexplicable things.  They are clingy and then they hide for no reason.  They laze around a lot and don't know how to play.  They bite others when they are unsure.  When they are scared, they are super controlling and ridiculous. 

Still, I rarely lose it, yell, reject, say mean things, curse, or threaten my dogs and the cats. 

The kids, however, are a different story--I spend most of my life biting my tongue, breathing deeply to regulate, and working diligently to keep my temper in check.

Turns out dogs, cats and kids are people, too.  In spite of myself, I was made for this, and so are you.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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