Delighting In Your Child

Feb 20, 2023

Dear Parent,

I was raised without playful engagement.  My parents told me what to do and I either did it or incurred their wrath--period.  Because of that, playful engagement is something I have to be mindful of practicing.  It doesn't come naturally.

How about you?  How were you raised?  If you weren’t treated playfully at least fifty percent of the time, then you may need help figuring out what being playfully engaged means. 

Hint:  It involves delighting in being with your child. Delighting involves a twinkle in your eye, a smile on your face, laughter in your voice, playful exchanges, and usually loving touch.

Test yourself:  Count how many times a day you look into your child's eyes with a twinkle in your own.

If you like the number, give yourself a cheer for being a playfully engaged parent. Your child is getting bathed in healthy, delicious neurochemicals. If the number is low, be gentle with yourself. You can mindfully change it. Start today.

Playful engagement produces positive neurochemicals for all involved--you, your partner, your friends, your child. 

Yummy stuff.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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