Brain Dance

Feb 21, 2021

Dear Parent,

Watch the brain of your child in action and you will be better prepared to prevent the behaviors that make you crazy.

Anticipate, plan, avoid, intervene, distract, change up, shift down—it’s a dance you need to do with the brain of your child.

Metaphorically speaking, attachment challenged children do not have a natural built in gas pedal or brake pedal for managing their emotions. Securely attached children have a built-in emotion regulator and generally know how to perk up and soothe down. Our kids need constant help to develop what is standard equipment with most other kids.

A challenge for me as a parent is remembering my job--external emotion regulator for my children. Sometimes I need a yellow sticky pasted on their foreheads, because most chaos around my house could have been prevented by me. Not always, of course, but quite often.

Watch the brain.  Be in the dance.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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