
Feb 07, 2021

Dear Parent,

Badgering is the single most agitating behavior I experience as a mother of two attachment challenged children.  For many years, I struggled to manage my anguish and their insecure behavior before really settling on the steps to put badgering to an end. 

Oh, there it is, my own wacky notion that badgering ended. It hasn't. Both of my children still are inclined to badger when they feel anxiety about something they want. It has lessened, but it is still there in them because their anxiety is still in them.  

When my daughter moved to her own home, I thought I was finally free from the badgering.  Ha, now she does it in text. So, when the power goes off at her house at 3am, she texts me about it.  When she gets angry, she texts me. When she has trouble with a roommate, she texts me. When she can't figure something out, she texts me, and texts me, and texts me, until I reply. 

Badgering is a desperate bid for connection.  My children feel safer in the world when they know they have a connection with me. I have truly been graced with a deep understanding of the need behind the behavior, which has significantly quieted my own frustration.  I am hoping that my sharing will help you get a step closer to making peace with badgering, too.  Now, get to work on slowing it down before you go CRAZY.

Going crazy is not really an option, come to think of it.

Love matters,



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