Attitude Adjustment for Your Time Frames

May 23, 2021

Dear Parent,

It takes TIME to heal the slings and arrows of an early childhood filled with deprivation, uncertainty, meanness, and loss. In our fast-paced, overnight delivery, technologically speedy world, the brain is still two-thirds reptilian and takes time to heal.  Years are the increments of measure, not days.

If you said something once to your child, you will say it many times for years.  So, you might need to adjust and slow it down. There is nothing to do right now, once or twice, that will create a securely attached child.  Attachment grows little by little over years through calm, loving, repetition of positive life scripts.

In this life we cannot all do great things, only small things with great love.

-Mother Teresa

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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