Are You Triggered By Your Child's Behavior? (Part 2)

Jan 13, 2025

Dear Parent,

For all of you parents from hard beginnings, never fear, there is hope for you on this parenting journey. If you are being triggered right and left by your adopted child's misguided negative efforts to create attachment, get help. It is out there. You might need to look high and low for it, but it is there. Find it for yourself. The healing of your own broken heart is worth it. The byproduct is fewer triggers for your child and a better chance of healing the hurting hearts of all involved.

It's a super win for sure.

Suggested methods: Tell your story, talk a little, try neurofeedback for trauma reduction and regulation, seek EMDR to spot check stuck trauma spots and negative beliefs, and find a therapist who truly gets the attachment parenting journey.  Stick with it. Three sessions will not do it.  Commit a year to getting healthy, emotionally shoring up, and creating a life worth living. At the same time, learn everything you can about trust-based, therapeutic parenting.  

Never give up on yourself or on your child. Persevere. There is a silver lining waiting up ahead.

Love Matters,


Creator of the Love+ Parenting Model found only in the Love Matters Parenting Society Therapeutic Parent Program.

P.S. You are invited, if you haven't watched it already, to register here for my FREE Masterclass helping you bust the negative post-adoption behavior in your family.

📖 Get your copy of Drowning with My Hair On Fire: Insanity Relief for Adoptive Parents by Ce Eshelman

✨ Hear the Success Stories:

🎧 Listen to my podcast: Unmuted Love with Ce Eshelman at your favorite place to listen.

📖 Get your copy of Drowning with My Hair On Fire: Insanity Relief for Adoptive Parents by Ce Eshelman

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