Are You Dog-Tired This Holiday Season?
Dec 19, 2024
Hey there,
I know you are dog-paddling like mad to keep your head above water while holding your children up over the waterline.
I know you are dog-tired.
Here are four short ideas to keep you in the therapeutic parenting game through the holiday madness:
1. Be safe.
Act like Snoopy and keep your Joe Cool. Your cool makes you the most safe person in the room, right?
2. Co-regulate.
Co-regulate instead of insisting your child use self-regulation coping skills. Your child can't use those when dysregulated; they need you to do it with, show them, be actively regulating around them. Mirror neurons rock, and regulate.
3. Be PACE-ful.
Playful, Accepting, Curious, and Empathic. You catch more bees with honey, than you do with vinegar. You know what I mean.
4. When all else fails...
Stop, Drop Your Agenda, Breathe.
Love Matters,
Creator of the Love+ Parenting Model found only in the Love Matters Parenting Society Therapeutic Parent Program.
P.S. You are invited, if you haven't watched it already, to register here for my FREE Masterclass helping you bust the negative post-adoption behavior in your family.
📖 Get your copy of Drowning with My Hair On Fire: Insanity Relief for Adoptive Parents by Ce Eshelman
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📖 Get your copy of Drowning with My Hair On Fire: Insanity Relief for Adoptive Parents by Ce Eshelman
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