New Year's Eve 2022: A Thought For YOU
Dec 31, 2022
Thought for today on this last day of 2022:
What can I say that has not already been said by hundreds? Right, nothing. Still, I want to say something. This is what I've got.
In the wee hours tonight as the festivities somewhere are getting underway or once you slide the bread points under the broiler to crisp up in time for "the toast," take a moment to check your own inventory. Short and sweet. What was life like in your family this time last year? And then, ask yourself, "Is it different now? Am I different now for the better? Have I made the changes I promised myself to make in my parenting life or have I let my last year's aspirations turn to stress dust and fall aimlessly into the crevasses of my way too busy life?"
Perhaps somewhere in the middle ground you find yourself...
No blame, no shame, just learn and rise up.
If you worked the LMPS membership material like your life depended on it, I think you will see something beautiful is taking shape. Celebrate yourself and your amazing tenacity. Celebrate your sheer will to live a different story with children from difficult beginnings. Celebrate you.
If you want to be awakened next year at this time in the arms of your own self... acceptance, compassion, and love, you know what you need to do. Jump into the membership material anew (or for the first time), alive with the intention to see more clearly, love more honorably, care more deeply for yourself, your family, and this old world.
Rise up. We are all right here. Let's rise up together. #BetterTogether2023
Big love in the New Year,
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