I've Been Told I Repeat Myself- Understatement

Oct 17, 2022

Dear Parent,

Most of our children do not know how to get attention in a good way.  Their survival depends on attention so when they are desperate for it they often will take it from you through negative behavior.

The child you have the most trouble engaging playfully is the child who needs it the most.

If you give safe, playful attention, your child won't have to sneak, steal, fight, agitate or lie for it.  There is a little voice in my head saying, They won't do it as much. It takes a long time to positively intervene in attention seeking survival behaviors.

There is no room in a child's life for punishment.  If you have punished your attachment challenged child for negative attention seeking behavior (and most of us have), it will take longer for your child to respond to playful engagement. They are the ones, however, who need it the most. Yep, repeating myself.

The challenging ones are the ones who need your attention the most.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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