Dear Desperate (Part 2 of 2)

Nov 27, 2022

Dear Parent,

To those of you in the thick of it, one day this will calm way, way down.  Try to reign in your fear of all things horrible happening and take each day as it comes.  Some days will feel like springtime and others like a tsunami.  One day after the other, year by year, your children will grow, mature, and begin to take conscious steps on their own.  Our challenged kids learn to live the way a baby learns to walk.  They fall down a lot over the course of their childhoods and teen years. Stuff gets broken. Little by little, with our healing support and the support of the community, they begin to crawl, then walk.  Their gaits are not always steady by the time they reach adulthood, but they fall way less often. And for that you will be joyous and feel triumphant beyond your wildest imagination.

To those of you out of the thicket and into the sun, I award you embossed Super Parent Under-Armor to sport proudly beneath your togs. Your lives are like Snoopy Dances to my soul.  If all parents knew what I know about the end game, they would feel more hopeful. I have tons of hope because I heard your stories and have some of my own.  Also, I get to be a small part of the journey with many of you. For that, I am eternally grateful.  

Yep, filled with hope is the way to go.  Hope makes the cobblestones a little less painful under your bare feet, as your wind your way through dark valleys and up the steep cliffs to lighter days on the mountaintop.  Press on.

Love matters,



P.S. Check out the Love Matters Parenting Society membership for more support.

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